Friday, May 29, 2009

Slow Money

Just back from incredible Slow Money Retreat in Boulder, CO. learn more:

Slow Money: Patient Capital for Living Economies, Woody Tasch. See:
“In a word where there is no such thing as money that is too fast, a company that is too big, or intermediation that is too complex, we find ourselves asking: Can investing in local food systems offer an authentic alternative?” Woody spoke at the BALLE conference in Denver after my meetings in Fort Collins last week. The room was packed. Many cool people in the room – including Jennifer Buffett.

Slow Money Principles. One of my favorites: “We must bring money back down to earth”. We are going to be tightening down the principles to 3-6, but you can see our current draft at
It’s not just about food, although food is one of the most powerful places to initiate the process. Check out the Chelsea Green Interview video, as Woody explains Slow Money best in his own words.