Did you vote yet for Slow Money on Change.org "Ideas For Change in America" competition? The top 10 voted ideas will be presented at an event in Washington, DC to relevant members of the Obama Administration, and then promoted to change.org's full community of more than 1 million people. The competition ends at 5pm EST on Friday, March 15th. Here is the link to vote: http://bit.ly/slowmoneyidea
This competition is particularly timely for Slow Money, which just launched its internet communications campaign last week in purusit of a million signatures on the Slow Money Principles by the end of 2011, on the way to a million investors investing 1% of their assets in local food systems within a decade. Most of the other ideas in the change.org competition are sponsored by well established organizations with large national networks. This is a great opportunity for Slow Money to show that interest in local food and genuine economic alternatives is a real, emerging force for social change.
The strength of people’s response to Slow Money in this competition has been a wonderful surprise. We’re moving up fast and have a real shot at making it into the top ten.
Here's what folks who've already voted are saying:
"Slow Money is one of the best ideas for funding land and food based projects I've ever heard of." Lizbeth Brown
"Slow Money is an inspired and important concept. A crucial attitude shift." George Gibson
"Yes jam packed, simple, yet geometric in its potential impact. Slow money, slow food, nutrition, health and wealth based on positive environmental impact, the focus on producing in place of consuming, justice, fairness and consciousness... This is a future I could, and would like to live with." Jorge Navarro
Please vote today and pass along to your friends. Slow Money is committed to investing in small food enterprises and local food systems, connecting investors to their local economies, and building the nurture capital industry. For more information on Slow Money, please visit their website at: www.slowmoneyalliance.org